Minnesota Legislature’s Budget Packed with Attacks on Clean Air, Water and Public Transit


May 1, 2017

Media Contact:
Justin Fay, Justin.fay@sierraclub.org, 612-251-1457

Saint Paul, MINN. (May 1, 2017) – Today, conference committees in the Minnesota Legislature adopted “delete everything” amendments that reflect the outcomes of a budget agreement reached between House and Senate leadership late last week. Despite a budget surplus of more than $1.5 billion, the Legislature’s budget imposes cuts on funding for clean air and clean water, underfunds public transit, and includes hundreds of pages of damaging policy initiatives.

Leaders of the Sierra Club North Star Chapter responded to the Legislature’s budget bills:

Margaret Levin, State Director of the Sierra Club North Star Chapter issued the following statement in response to the Environment and Natural Resources Omnibus Bill (HF888): “Minnesotans have repeatedly made it clear that they expect their state leaders to provide adequate funding for work to protect Minnesota’s air, water and the health of our communities. Not only does this bill fail to keep the faith with Minnesota voters, it also includes a laundry list of sweetheart policy provisions for special interests, including new and damaging barriers to the implementation and enforcement of standards for clean air and clean water. We strongly urge legislative leaders to reconsider this misguided direction for Minnesota.”

Erin Daly, Chair of the Sierra Club North Star Chapter’s Land Use and Transportation Committee issued the following statement in response to the Transportation Omnibus Bill (HF861): “Our transportation system is the backbone of Minnesota’s economy. Unfortunately, despite a significant budget surplus, the Legislature has failed to provide adequate funding for public transit. These shortfalls will lead directly to worsening congestion and dirtier air, and create unnecessary new barriers for Minnesotans who simply need to get to work. This bill represents a clear failure by the Legislature to consider the needs of all Minnesotans, including and especially low income Minnesotans and those who are unable to drive. Minnesotans deserve a transportation system that works, and this bill doesn’t come close.”

SJ Spitzer, Co-Chair of the Sierra Club North Star Chapter’s Clean Air and Renewable Energy Committee issued the following statement in response to the Jobs and Energy Omnibus Bill (SF1937): “The future is clear: Minnesota is on the path to cleaner energy thanks to affordable wind, solar and efficiency. The Legislature is sadly on a different path – succumbing to the whims of the oil and gas industries at the expense of Minnesota consumers. If allowed to become law, this bill will result in slower and more expensive decision-making for energy consumers along with costly new pipeline projects that threaten our waters, the integrity of private land and indigenous treaty rights. We ask legislators to reconsider including these damaging policy proposals and fully fund Governor Dayton’s budget request for the critical work of building and maintaining the energy system of the future.”


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